Second Amendment Education in a Democracy Against Us

It’s a tough time for kids growing up, I’ll admit that. We are divided as a society pinning right against left, red against blue, and black against white. Every day you can turn on the news and watch for hours without hearing a single positive note. As an adult living in today’s world, how do […]

The Beginner’s Guide to Bullets

“Flummoxing.” It’s a great word, and it perfectly describes the situation a lot of new gun owners find themselves in. “What kind of ammo should I buy?” they might ask themselves. “What’s the difference between FMJ and JHP? And what the heck is a TCFN bullet?” The sheer variety of available bullets can make buying […]

Hornady Ammo: Accurate, Deadly, Dependable

Joyce Hornady, son of a pastor, was named after Bishop Joyce, a prominent Methodist bishop, well-known in parishes throughout Colorado and western Nebraska. Born in 1907, Hornady learned early on to accept responsibility when his father died of an abscessed tooth. Young Joyce helped to take care of the family on his father’s small pension. […]

The Legendary .357 Magnum: What Makes It the Best Self Defense Ammo

Savvy shooters check out many calibers and types of ammo before making a final choice. Choosing self-defense ammo is equally, if not more important, than buying rounds for any other use. Self-defense situations can happen in the home, on the street, or in close quarters. Knowing how to shoot the right handgun with the right […]

Ghost Guns Rise in Popularity

What is a Ghost Gun? Ghost guns do not have serial numbers and are untraceable. Gunsmiths use metal, 3D-printed plastic, or other substances. Police claim criminals are using ghost guns more than ever, particularly in states like California where they are restricted. Who Uses Ghost Guns? People using ghost guns include gun enthusiasts, hobbyists, gunsmiths, […]